Leadership Insights

Fostering a Clear Vision

How to Foster a Clear Company Vision for Transformation: Four Steps to Create Shared Goals

Your company's vision is its guiding light—a shared goal that everyone in the organization can rally around. In today's rapidly changing business landscape, it's more important than ever for companies to have a clear and concise vision for their digital transformations.

According to Research&Markets (2020), the global digital transformation market is expected to increase rapidly, growing from $469.8 billion in 2020 to an astounding $1,009.8 billion by 2025--that's a compound annual growth rate of 16.5% over five years.

So, how can you foster a clear vision amid your digital transformation?

Based on our Clients' successful transformations, we identified four key components that must be present to ensure your teams remain aligned with a strategic vision amid a digital transformation.

Define your company's purpose. The first step in creating a vision is to define your company's purpose—why it exists. Having this clear vision to guide you through times of change is essential. Begin by asking, "What issue are we trying to solve?" Once you have answered, you can begin to craft your vision statement.

1. Communicate the vision.

Once your company's vision is defined, it's important to communicate it to everyone in the organization—from the C-suite down to the front-line employees. Employees need to understand the company's goals to align their daily tasks with those goals. The best way to communicate the vision is to have face-to-face conversations with employees and ensure the company's values reflect in its day-to-day operations.

2. Ensure alignment.

It's not enough to communicate the company's vision; you also need to ensure everyone in the organization aligns with it by involving employees in the decision-making process. When employees feel they have a say in how the company is run, they're more likely to buy into the vision of your digital transformation and be committed to achieving it.
Another way to ensure alignment is by setting clear goals and measuring progress. This will help keep everyone focused on the end goal—the shared goal that unites the entire organization.

3. Be prepared for change.

The business landscape is constantly changing, so you must prepare your company for big and small changes. Preparing for change is having a flexible plan that can be adapted as needed. Being prepared for change also means being open to new ideas and ways of doing things—something that can be difficult for established organizations that are used to doing things a certain way.
The key is to balance being open-minded and focusing on the ultimate goal. This shared goal brings everyone together amidst all the changes in today's business world.

Final thoughts

Fostering a clear vision is more important than ever in today's rapidly changing business landscape. By following these four guidelines, however, you can ensure that your organization has a shared goal that everyone can rally around amid all the changes in your industry.



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Transformation Quick Wins

4 Steps to Achieve Your Business Goals in Record Time

“Where you can have some quick wins along the way, of these smaller things that are low cost, low risk, low reward, especially in terms of dollars, those are actually really good things to get started on a little bit early.” -Ashlee Aldridge, CEO, Reach Partners

What are transformation quick wins? 

A strategic move that results in tangible and immediate success that furthers your organization's goals. Quick wins are often essential in business, as they can provide the momentum needed to achieve larger objectives. However, quick wins are just as important when it comes to your Partners.

Below are four steps on how to achieve quick wins for your Partners.

Allocate Specific Budgets

The first step to achieving quick wins for your Partners is to allocate specific budgets for each Partner. This will ensure that each Partner has the resources they need to succeed. By doing this, you will be able to track each Partner's progress and see which are performing well and which are not.

Note: Make sure each Partner knows their budget and what is expected of them. This will help ensure that they are focused on achieving quick wins.

Assign Specific Teams

The second step is to assign specific Teams to work with each Partner. This will allow you to monitor the progress of each Partner better and ensure that they are receiving the support they need. Additionally, it will enable you to identify any issues that may arise so that they can be addressed quickly. 

Note: Be sure to communicate with each Team regularly so that you are aware of their progress. This will help ensure that the Teams are on track and working towards the same goal.

Release Funding Quarterly

Another way to achieve your business goals quickly is to release funding quarterly. This will give your Partners the financial stability they need to continue working towards their goals. In addition, it will allow you to track the progress of each Partner. Make sure you release the funds promptly so your Partners can continue working towards their goals.

Stay on the Same Page

The final step is one that is often overlooked. Stay on the same page with your Partners. This means having regular communication and updates so that everyone is aware of the progress made. Additionally, it means being willing to adjust your plans as needed so your Partners can continue succeeding. By following these steps, you can achieve quick wins for your Partners and help them reach their goals.

Final thoughts

Transformation quick wins are essential to your business, as they can provide the momentum needed to achieve larger objectives. By allocating specific budgets, assigning specific teams, releasing funding quarterly, and staying on the same page, you will be able to achieve quick wins for your partners and help them reach their goals.

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Setting Transformation Expectations

Setting transformation expectations is key to implementing change. You need to be clear about what should happen and when. It's also important to get buy-in from your team and visualize the outcome. By setting the right expectations and visualizing the outcome, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and marching towards the same goal.
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